You can assist Ethiopia’s emerging young leaders. By extension, you’ll support the development of the country’s less prosperous regions and communities.
Ways to Help

Do you run a successful business in Ethiopia or abroad? Do you hold expertise in a specific trade, such as carpentry, plumbing, welding, masonry, or electrical work? Are you an educator in business or community and economic development? Join our Volunteer Professionals Roster.

Perhaps you are an expatriate who has found success overseas, who wishes to contribute to the country’s economic development. Perhaps you’ve traveled to Ethiopia or adopted Ethiopian children and want to give back. We’re a small organization, and even the smallest donation makes an impact. Here’s how:
- Sponsor a student’s education
- Donate to general fund
- Share ideas
- Invite us to events

If you’re in Addis Ababa, please stop by and learn more about our young leaders and their accomplishments. If you’re halfway around the world, you can keep in touch through our blog, email updates, our Instagram and our Facebook page. We want to hear from you! Stay in touch!